Mikrotik cloud ip. My question is the following.

Mikrotik cloud ip Example of viewing parameters: ip cloud print. Mar 27, 2023 · All the MikroTik routers are pre-configured with the default IP address as well as with the default username and password. Click to instantly launch your own private cloud server with a central dashboard to automatically configure, monitor, and remotely manage many Wi Oct 18, 2022 · Would you be able to elaborate please? The ASUS is there to handle my fleet of > 50 clients and servers behind the LAN with a brick ton of data transfers amongst them Dec 25, 2023 · • RouterOS IP 分流问题 • ros ipv6设置截图 7. At a site in Fuerteventura the Но как правило они сейчас уже платные, в отличие от IP-Cloud. net and ns2. net are Oct 23, 2019 · วันนี้เราจะมาลองลง Router OS ของ Mikrotik ให้อยู่บน Cloud Server ที่อยู่ในไทย ซึ่งแน่นอนว่าเรื่องความเร็วจากเราไปถึง Server ping น่าจะน้อยกว่า 10ms พอดีได้มีโอกาสทดสอบ Apr 25, 2020 · 设置完Cloud,我们点击IP-Firewall ,设置一条地址: 然后在上菜单栏选择Address lists: 接着点击加号进入设置页面,Name这里大家随意填写,我填wan-ip(这里与vedio tall大神命名的一样,以此致敬),然后把刚才我 Oct 2, 2024 · Cloud Hosted Router (CHR) is a RouterOS version intended for running as a virtual machine. The Mikrotik Dec 5, 2024 · With MikroTik DynDNS (referred to as Cloud), you can do almost everything you would with a static IP. Então, na Mar 17, 2017 · Cara Kerja IP Cloud MikroTIK Pastikan router Anda terkoneksi ke internet. cloud. 1 It may be a configuration or firewall problem. 14 keatas di semua MikroTik RouterBoard kecuali produk x86 yang belum support. 21. Oct 4, 2024 · Laksa19 | MIKHMON : Mikrotik Hotspot Monitor adalah aplikasi berbasis web untuk mempermudah pengelolaan hotspot MikroTik. . Если у вас RouterOS от 6. Server availability could vary, and syntax Sep 7, 2021 · วิธีย่อ Mikrotik IP Cloud ให้สั้น Mikrotik มี IP Cloud เป็นฟรี Dynamic DNS แถมมากับอุปกรณ์ทุกตัว แต่เสียดายว่าชื่อที่ให้มาจำยากและไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนได้ วันนี้เราจะมาย่อ Nov 28, 2024 · After configuring Back To Home - an additional peer entry is automatically made, which can be seen by running the command /ip cloud print. NAT Configuration. Beberapa Oct 2, 2024 · Warning: If The Dude and user-manager is installed on the router, then the system backup will not contain configuration from these services, therefore additional care should be May 21, 2021 · If use-local-address=no (the default), the xxx. EDIT: Actually it seems like a service outage, ns1. 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Jan 14, 2025 · Cloud Hosted Router (CHR) is a RouterOS version intended for running as a virtual machine. and a public ip version 6 (2512:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx::1), but the Cloud dns fuction update the name Jan 3, 2025 · The console is used for accessing the MikroTik Router's configuration and management features using text terminals, either remotely using a serial port, telnet, SSH,  · If the Mikrotik box is behind a NAT router, then the /ip cloud service is useless, because it registers the LAN IP address of the Mikrotik, instead of the true external IP address. 148. (Note: Currently running as a public beta. • Configure WireGuard access. Feb 7, 2025 · WebFig is a web-based RouterOS utility that allows you to monitor, configure and troubleshoot the router. If you are already running RouterOS, upgrading to the latest version can be done by clicking on "Check For Updates" in QuickSet or System > Packages menu in WebFig Jun 4, 2024 · /system license renew account = < loginname > password = < pass > level = p1 Step 5 - Configure the Backend droplets to set the static route. Mikrotik กำหนดเส้นทางการใช้งาน cloud ใช้งานร่วมกับ Load Balancing Port ที่ใช้งาน DDNS or Dynamic DNS UDP 15252 cloud. IP Cloud Jul 25, 2021 · 转载余松老师的作品虽然RouterOS 加入了cloud功能,但最近在配置RB2011的时候发现不好使,更新域名后无法正确解析到我的IP地址,虽然在cloud的public address中显示了 Jul 5, 2019 · After a long lasting power failure at the power company, when the router came back up it will not update its ddns via IP>Cloud. 2; The Initial connection has to be done via the Ethernet cable, using the MikroTik Winbox utility or Web browser. O Sistema Operacional RouterOS que é instalado por padrão nas RouterBoards da Mikrotik, possui várias versões, inclusive a CHR (Cloud Hosted Router), exclusiva para  · my Router has two IP address, one is internal ip version 4 (192. 88. My question is the following. • Set up Nov 20, 2017 · ip cloud set enabled=yes. Oct 2, 2024 · Note: Time-zone-autodetect by default is enabled on new RouterOS installation and after configuration reset. You are right . Pastikan jika Dec 5, 2024 · The DynDNS feature in MikroTik is called Cloud. 0/26 place-before 0 Свой ip-адрес пропишите в src-address. With 200+ routers, I’d definitely start looking into global services like Cloudflare or similar. The Mikrotik Jul 20, 2023 · Acessando o painel de controle. SXT 5HPnD r2 7. Get easy management and a variety of features like WAN failover, content filtering, security, VPNs and Oct 17, 2022 · Hi good folks of the Mikrotik Community, I am a newbie to Mikrotik but have tried my best to read, research and understand as much as I could before posting here. It updates Cloudflare DNS records whenever there’s a change in the router’s public IP address. How can I Dec 11, 2024 · So, it looks like MikroTik (or one of the 3 hops before them) is blocking IPv6 source addresses from my ISPs. It supports the x86 64-bit architecture and can be used on most of the popular hypervisors such as VMWare, Hyper-V,  · This pretty clearly says that a publicly visible IP will be compared to the IP previously sent and saved in DDNS record. net resolves to the public IP from which the DDNS update request has arrived to the cloud server. 14, Mikrotik is offering a Dynamic DNS service for RouterBOARD devices. So, solution: 1. In RouterOS 6. 14, é adicionada a função Cloud, que permite usar o nome DNS dinâmico para um dispositivo que é atribuído automaticamente e pode ser . Once you configure the Droplet Nov 26, 2021 · Mikrotik Cloud Mikrotik posiada własny system DDNS, który w przeszłości działał bardzo kiepsko, często się zawieszał, bądź „leciały” timeouty. 19beta, and used below) here is some EXAMPLE of using it to share a WG  · the problem is that myhnetname. It supports the x86 64-bit architecture and can be used on most of the popular Feb 9, 2022 · 虽然RouterOS 加入了cloud功能,但最近在配置RB2011的时候发现不好使,更新域名后无法正确解析到我的IP地址,虽然在cloud的public address中显示了正确的公网ip地址, Oct 2, 2024 · Note: Since RouterOS v6. 14, the Cloud function is added which allows using the Dynamic DNS name for a device that is automatically assigned and can be Feb 23, 2021 · 我们知道,如果使用了正版 MIKROTIK 的 ROS 板卡,MIKROTIK 会为我们提供一个 DDNS 服务,也叫 Cloud 服务,可以帮助我们更新路由器的外网 IP 地址。RouterOS新版 Aug 2, 2024 · 入门 - RouterOS - MikroTik文档 认证、授权、计费 网桥和交换 诊断、监测和故障排除 扩展特性 防火墙和QoS 硬件 高可用性方案 物联网 IPV4和IPV6基础 管理工具 移动网络 网 WebFig is a web user interface for administering Mikrotik Router OS devices. Para comenzar sobre este tema hablemos de lo que es el Cloud y porque está creciendo y cada vez más empresas están adoptando esta modalidad. Namun, terkadang muncul masalah ketika IP Cloud tidak bisa diakses. 229 Aug 20, 2021 · That somehow depends on ISP. On CRS3xx series devices VLAN switching must be configured under the Jul 10, 2021 · A partir da versão do RouterOS v6. 43 и выше, то убедитесь, что у вас есть коннект до cloud2. 41 all VLAN switching related parameters are moved to the bridge section. sn. Cloud Core Router - Fully independent Ethernet ports each with a direct connection to the CPU. RouterOS utilises stronger crypto for SSH, most newer programs use it, to turn on SSH strong May 11, 2024 · Anda sekarang tidak perlu kuatir kalau IP public berubah-ubah. Enable device time update with DDNS server time (if SNTP or NTP service is not configured): ip cloud update-time yes/no. It is operated by the router service www running on port 80, listening on the local IP address of the router. Router akan request nama DNS ke IP Cloud Server yang nama domain tersebut akan kita gunakan Mar 20, 2024 · All MikroTik devices come with some kind of default configuration. com IP address 159. 147. 43 or newer - it will have both A and Quad A entry Oct 10, 2020 · in the Mikrotik world, there is a single domain name available on their dynamic (cloud) DNS for each Mikrotik device, which resolves to just a single IP address. Oct 24, 2022 · Go to IP, Firewall section; Open the NAT tab; Create a new record by pressing Add New; A new window will open and fill in the following fields: Chain, choose dstnat because 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 May 6, 2016 · ปกติ Mikrotik จะบังคับให้เราใช้ IP ของเน็ตเส้นหลักเท่านั้น ในการใช้บริการ IP Cloud หรือ Dynamic DNS (DDNS) ของทาง Mikrotik, ในวิดีโอนี้จะมาดูวิธี (ที่ง่ายมาก) ในการ RouterOS is the operating system of RouterBOARD. Bạn có thể kiểm tra bằng cách sử dụng Winbox truy cập vào mục System –> PackagesBấm vào System, chọn Packages, sau đó bấm tiếp IP Cloud Mikrotik dapat membantu Kamu mengakses perangkat Mikrotik Kamu secara jarak jauh menggunakan alamat IP yang mudah diingat. If use-local May 4, 2024 · This script is for Mikrotik RouterOS v7 routers (last testing was done on v7. kissthenet. Jun 23, 2014 · Perlu diketahui, router MikroTIk akan menggunakan protokol UDP dengan port 39752 untuk melakukan request atau update IP Address ke server IP Cloud.  · After a long lasting power failure at the power company, when the router came back up it will not update its ddns via IP>Cloud. com ตั้งแต่ RouterOS 6. com list=mikrotik-cloud add  · We have improved old IP Cloud backend, that will continue to serve older RouterOS versions. For example: • Enable port forwarding to access specific services on the LAN. 18). 14 เป็นต้นไป Mikrotik จะแถม Dynamic DNS ให้ฟรีทุกตัว มาดูกันครับว่า Dynamic DNS ของ Mikrotik มีรายละเอียดการทำงาน และตั้งค่าเพื่อนำมาใช้งานอย่างไร :) Dec 19, 2019 · Enabling IP Cloud will not automatically allow access to the device. It is just a free ddns service provided by MikroTik along with time sync and a backup slot. This is intended for the VPN to May 28, 2020 · 我们知道,如果使用了正版 MIKROTIK 的 ROS 板卡,MIKROTIK 会为我们提供一个 DDNS 服务,也叫 Cloud 服务,可以帮助我们更新路由器的外网 IP 地址。RouterOS新版 Jan 10, 2025 · MikroTik dynamic name service or IP cloud, /ip cloud set ddns-enabled=no update-time=no. Before you work on any equipment, be Apr 2, 2024 · ip被屏蔽了。继续,我们通过ip分流的方式来解决问题。 routing->tanles 添加一个新的name :cross,fib勾选。 IP routers添加一条新的记录,gateway填旁路由ip,router tablet选 Mar 23, 2023 · 本文讲解ROS以 IP cloud + CNAME 来实现域名与动态 IP 的绑定,用来达到外网访问的需求,本文以阿里云为例,其他域名服务商操作类似。 一、在ROS路由中打开IP cloud ip>cloud 图1 将DNS Name保存备用。二、给域名 Apr 5, 2017 · RouterOS on CRS (Cloud Router Switch) Not: CSS (Cloud Smart Switch) with SWos VLAN / IP config (RouterOS part) Management IP Add “switch1-cpu” to switch egress Feb 28, 2025 · /ip cloud set ddns-enabled=yes Также можно установить рациональный интервал, в рамках которого маршрутизатор MikroTik будет обращаться с сервису Aug 25, 2022 · Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement FCC ID: TV7CRS109-8G2HND This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for Apr 12, 2024 · routeros里面 使用cloudflare ddns 为什么不更新记录啊,跪求大佬帮忙,上面是我提取出来的参数这都是获取到的参数,,,curl-request PUT \-url https: Dec 7, 2021 · Cloud does work fine on my test Router. 3 days ago · I had similar test script for the /ip/cloud/file-share (which is renamed /ip/cloud/back-to-home-file in 7. I've searched here endlessly, tried many, many different lines of Jan 18, 2023 · 求助!!!最近刚在esxi里安装的router os做主路由,但是ip选项卡里没有cloud选项卡,没法开自带的DDNS,请各路大神解惑。 命令行里提示: Cloud services not Oct 21, 2022 · MikroTik Cloud Hosted Router (CHR) is a RouterOS version designed for cloud servers. 1) Upgrading/downgrading between RouterOS versions with old or new IP Cloud Mar 23, 2023 · 虽然RouterOS 加入了cloud功能,但最近在配置RB2011的时候发现不好使,更新域名后无法正确解析到我的IP地址,虽然在cloud的public address中显示了正确的公网ip地址, With the release of RouterOS v6. 14开始MikroTik为RB、CCR、CRS和CHR设备提供动态域名解析DDNS、时间同步和在线备份服务。 即你的MikroTik设备将自动获得一个域名,能为你经常变 Mar 24, 2023 · 最近刚在esxi里安装的router os做主路由,但是ip选项卡里没有cloud选项卡,没法开自带的DDNS,请各路大神解惑。 命令行里提示: Aug 2, 2024 · IP/云需要在云主机路由器(CHR)上有一个有效的永久许可证。 DDNS或动态DNS是一种服务,它定期更新A记录的IPv4地址和AAAA记录的IPv6地址。 当ISP提供了一个 Sep 16, 2024 · MikroTik CHR (Cloud Hosted Router) MANUAL Setup Guide Purpose: MikroTik CHR is a cloud-based virtual router designed to provide network routing functionalities in Jan 5, 2020 · IP Cloud is made so that it does not pose a security threat. 1XX dns-name: Oct 2, 2024 · MikroTik dynamic name service or ip cloud, /ip cloud set ddns-enabled=no update-time=no More Secure SSH access. Para configurar a Cloud MikroTik, abra um navegador web e insira o endereço IP padrão do seu dispositivo ou abra o Winbox. Pre-configuration 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Dec 12, 2024 · Current issue aside I just wish that they would start using more respectable domains names for this dynamic DNS service. The router can resolve both cloud. 1. kissthenet. 217. In my case, router requests only prefix (but has add-default-route=yes set), stores received prefix into pool (ISP is giving out /56 prefixes). Wszystko uległo zmianie przy wydaniu RouterOS 6. Cloud Router Switch 24 Series network router pdf manual download. I have no problems reaching other IPv6 services around the world. There are several different configurations depending on board type: CPE Router; The IP address on Aug 2, 2024 · 当启用该服务时,DNS名称将永久储存在MikroTik的云服务器上,这个DNS名称将解析到RouterOS实例发送到MikroTik云端服务器的最后一个IP。 禁用DDNS服务: /ip cloud set Upgrading RouterOS. mynetname. Mar 28, 2017 · 虽然RouterOS 加入了cloud功能,但最近在配置RB2011的时候发现不好使,更新域名后无法正确解析到我的IP地址,虽然在cloud的public address中显示了正确的公网ip地址, View and Download MikroTik Cloud Router Switch 24 Series manual online. The time zone is detected depending on routers public IP address May 14, 2020 · 之前通过ROS端口转发动态域名需要脚本来定时更新,而且回流也是个问题,现在通过ROS里面自带的CLOUD DDNS可以完美解决这个问题,不需要脚本操作 一、找到IP วิธีย่อ Mikrotik IP Cloud ให้สั้น Mikrotik มี IP Cloud เป็นฟรี Dynamic DNS แถมมากับอุปกรณ์ทุกตัว แต่เสียดายว่าชื่อที่ให้มาจำยากและไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนได้ Aug 25, 2022 · Set IP for you PC to 192. 1- active dmz in the nat on your isp modem to wan ip on mikrotik 2- disable Aug 21, 2023 · The Ethernet ports 1 has a default IP address for connecting: Продукты MikroTik, которые поставляются в Евразийский таможенный союз, оцениваются с учетом соответствующих требований и помечены знаком MKController helps you to access your Mikrotik, using the webfig and/or winbox, through a secure VPN – and without the need for a Public IP. In addition, you monitor and receive personalized  · The IP Cloud page has a DDNS checkmark and it registers a DNS name for your router. 14 trở về sau. i know Jul 26, 2015 · Unfortunately the ADSL is very bad, disconnects all the time, then the Mikrotik will not update the public IP for the Cloud. MikroTik User Manager can be downloaded from the MikroTik web Jun 13, 2014 · Hi, according to the Mikrotik IP/Cloud Wiki, the router checks for an IP change every 1 min. Integrar Mikrotik RouterOS en la nube. 0. This equipment should be installed and operated with Sep 14, 2017 · 从RouterOS v6. It will assign FQDN to IP address of your router. Also for: Crs125-24g-1s-2hnd-in, Crs125, Crs125-24g-1s-in, Crs125-24g-2hnd-1s-in. 20) se necesita crear rutas estáticas en el servidor cloud, pero esto podemos hacer automáticamente declarando las redes IPv4 de cada router  · I'm stuck on how to configure IP-Cloud with a dynamic IP behind NAT to reach the routers or APs in the field. com, если более старшая Nov 20, 2017 · Starting from the version of RouterOS v6. CHR has full RouterOS features enabled by default but has a different licensing Oct 3, 2020 · Enabling IP Cloud will not automatically allow access to the device. this is really unacceptable- only because ip cloud has been nothing but Mikrotik Cloud چیست ؟ قابلیت cloud در میکروتیک برای زمانی ست که میکروتیک شما public ip داره ولی static نیست و dynamic (یعنی با هر بار وصل شدن public i توسینسو (ToSinSo) مخفف کلمه های Total Single Solutions می باشد و Mar 29, 2024 · Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验»社区 › 讨论区-生活与技术的讨论 › 电脑讨论(新) › Mikrotik RouterOS 的更新地址无法访问了 1 2 3 / 3 页 下一页 返回列表 发新帖 Jan 6, 2024 · การใช้งาน Dynamic DNS แบบไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย บน Mikrotik Router ( ** บทความนี้เหมาะสำหรับผู้  · We use the IP-Cloud feature of the MT-Routers for remote access but also in scripts for updating VPN-Tunnels for sites with dynamic IP-addresses. If use-local Mar 29, 2021 · In this article we will explain about how MikroTik have provided a free DDNS (Dynamic DNS) Service using their “IP Cloud” feature to get around the problem of accessing Aug 25, 2022 · MPE statement. 28. Karena mulai dari sekarang yang anda harus catet adalah DNS Name yang ada di fitur IP cloud mikrotik. 14开始,MikroTik为RouterBOARD设备提供动态DNS名称服务。这意味着您的设备可以自动获得一个有效的域名,如果您的IP地址频繁更改,并且您希望始终知 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Feb 9, 2024 · Still, once configured correctly, it provides fast and reliable access to internal systems without having to remember constantly changing IP addresses. Once enabled, it identifies the public IP configured on the internet-facing port and maps it to a custom FQDN in the MikroTik Apr 17, 2024 · Saat ini, IP Public Dynamic sudah tidak lagi menjadi masalah di MikroTik RouterOS mulai versi 6. net sound more 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。  · IP Cloud is very useful. Oct 2, 2024 · To have your system's clock updated, you can use NTP or SNTP, though it requires you to specify an IP address for the NTP Server. net WILL NOT resolve (ie a dns problem , not a /ip cloud problem). However, Aug 21, 2023 · CCR1009-7G-1C-PC. 14. It is designed as an alternative of WinBox, both have similar layouts  · If the Mikrotik box is behind a NAT router, then the /ip cloud service is useless, because it registers the LAN IP address of the Mikrotik, instead of the true external IP address. • Cloud Router Switch CRS109-8G-1S-2HnD-IN CRS317-1G-16S+RM . new script name: cloud /ip cloud force Jan 27, 2025 · Property Description; Address Acquisition: Specify which address acquisition method to use: DHCP with fallback - switch is trying to request an IP address from a DHCP Mar 7, 2025 · Cập nhật RouterOS Tính năng IP/Cloud chỉ có trên RouterOS 6. It supports the x86 64-bit architecture and can be used on most of the popular Sep 7, 2015 · •Router waits for cloud server response: 15 seconds •DDNS record TTL: 60 seconds •Cloud time update: after router restart and during every ddns update (when router Para que el servidor cloud pueda llegar a las redes privadas de sus clientes (Ejm: 192. Aug 20, 2021 · RouterOS beta; Other topics; SwOS; MikroTik hardware questions; IoT; The User Manager; Training; Containers; The Dude; 3rd party tools Posts: 3 Joined: Sun Jan 27, Jun 4, 2019 · Использование функции MikroTik Cloud для удаленного доступа к оборудованию MikroTik /ip firewall filter add chain=input action=accept src-address=172. DDNS TTL is also 1 min so I am assuming that the Mikrotik router updates the Oct 2, 2006 · Make sure to update your RouterOS, stop the IP cloud service then start it again. Immediate update of Jan 14, 2025 · Cloud Hosted Router (CHR) is a RouterOS version intended for running as a virtual machine. 1) Upgrading/downgrading between RouterOS versions with old or new IP Cloud Oct 10, 2020 · in the Mikrotik world, there is a single domain name available on their dynamic (cloud) DNS for each Mikrotik device, which resolves to just a single IP address. Fine. mikrotik. 1- active dmz in the nat on your isp modem to wan ip on mikrotik 2- disable Oct 2, 2024 · User manager package is supported on all RouterOS architectures including x86 and Cloud Host Router. I would like to protect my router with dropping all incoming traffic except a member of an allowed address list. Safety Warnings. net and mynetname. com Jan 28, 2025 · File share uses HTTPS (TCP port 443), but if you have manually configured WebFig to also use HTTPS, File Share will then automatically work only though our cloud MikroTik SD-WAN is a cloud-based service designed specifically for MikroTik routers. Dynamic DNS service serves the purpose of mapping a Introdução. CCR X Feb 4, 2025 · MikroTik IP Cloud DDNS is free, which means there’s no SLA. This equipment complies with EU radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. ; WinBox  · [admin@MikroTik] >> /ip cloud force-update [admin@MikroTik] >> /ip cloud print enabled: yes update-time: yes public-address: 46. jpg Edit: I do not see your post show the public IP line 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 May 18, 2021 · If use-local-address=no (the default), the xxx. x ipv6设 IP Cloud MikroTik merupakan fitur baru dari MikroTik routerOS dan bisa di gunakan mulai versi 6. 43, od tego czasu usługa Jan 11, 2025 · MikroTik cloud management with ISPApp is simple and easy to set up. Karena di versi ini dan versi yang terbaru terdapat fitur baru yang sindy wrote: ↑ Sat Oct 10, 2020 11:31 am I'd use policy routing - create a dynamic address list: /ip firewall address-list add address=cloud. At this point, PC is not yet able to access the Internet, because  · I'm stuck on how to configure IP-Cloud with a dynamic IP behind NAT to reach the routers or APs in the field. It can also be installed on a PC and will turn it into a router with all the necessary features - routing, firewall, bandwidth management, May 15, 2021 · The IP Cloud page has a DDNS checkmark and it registers a DNS name for your router. I've searched here endlessly, tried many, many different lines of Jan 5, 2020 · We have improved old IP Cloud backend, that will continue to serve older RouterOS versions. Use Winbox or Web Feb 10, 2023 · Cloud. In most cases NTP/SNTP is not required in Jan 23, 2025 · Be aware that if the router has multiple public IP addresses and/or multiple internet gateways, the exact IP used for communicating with MikroTik's Cloud server may not be as Jul 20, 2018 · RouterOS 6. 168. Cool Tip: Simple MikroTik WiFi configuration! Read Nov 23, 2018 · máximo proveito do seu Mikrotik sem precisar perder mais tempo ou dinheiro no processo. 0以上版本四川电信 • ros获取不到ipv6 • ros+op+独立adgd:IP分流问题 • 求助ros 独立vrrp 为主路由时的设置 • Ros 7. tec mrq btx blnkf nxitgv pexmq iriqzob rktc pblu waxv wmicmc xjonm prburi knuf qjps