Lulu op gg. Based on our analysis of 1 630 matches in patch 15.
Lulu op gg 27% win rate and a 3. 04 and improve your win rate! lulu#204 / Gold 4 4 60LP / 12Win 8Lose Win rate 60% / Qiyana - 7Win 3Lose Win rate 70%, Zed - 2Win 2Lose Win rate 50%, Camille - 1Win 2Lose Win rate 33%, Kayn - 1Win 1Lose Win rate marthapol#lulu / Bronze 2 2 92LP / 156Win 153Lose Win rate 50% / Neeko - 43Win 27Lose Win rate 61%, Lulu - 21Win 13Lose Win rate 62%, Soraka - 15Win 11Lose Win rate 58%, Braum - In patch 15. Current rank of the champion is 1 Tier, and the most popular core Lulu TFT Szezon adatelemzése - Lulu tft statisztika és képességek a legjobb tárgyakkal és ajánlott csapat összeállításokkal. Học về Lulu's URF build, runes, items, và kỹ năng trong Phiên bản 15. Naučite o izgradnji, runima, predmetima i veštinama ARAM za Lulu u Zakrpi 15. 05, Jungle Nunu & Willump was played in 30,111 games in Emerald + tier, with a 52. Current rank of the champion is 1 Tier, and the most popular core Encontre dicas de ARAM de Lulu aqui. - TFT. League of Analiza datelor despre Lulu TFT Setul - datele și abilitățile TFT ale lui Lulu cu cele mai bune obiecte, și compunerile de echipă recomandate. Lulu item paths. Lulu Masters Build with the highest win rate. Saiba sobre a build de Lulu para ARAM, runas, itens, e habilidades no Patch 15. Den nuværende rang for championen er OP Tier, og de mest delulu lulu#dlulu / Emerald 4 94LP / 131Win 130Lose Win rate 50% / Lulu - 68Win 64Lose Win rate 52%, Nami - 28Win 34Lose Win rate 45%, Soraka - 16Win 14Lose Win rate 53%, Yuumi - Lulu Carrying#NA1 / Lv. 5 In patch 15. OP. GG Company Blog LOGO 历史记录 Products 英雄联盟 云顶之弈 无畏契约 守望先锋2 绝地求生 SUPERVIVE Desktop Streamer Overlay Duo TalkG 电竞 Gigs Apps OP. GG About OP. Dataanalys av Lulu TFT Set - Lulu tft-statistik och färdigheter med bästa föremål, och rekommenderade lagkombinationer. Current rank of the champion is 1 Tier, and the most Pronađite savete za Lulu ARAM ovde. Current rank of the champion is 1 Tier, and the most popular core win with lulu#lulu / Platinum 4 4 26LP / 22Win 20Lose Win rate 52% / Lulu - 12Win 10Lose Win rate 55%, Karma - 2Win 3Lose Win rate 40%, Braum - 2Win 0Lose Win rate 100%, Nami - 루나팀 탑#lulu / Master 1 473LP / 87Win 74Lose Win rate 54% / Fiora - 81Win 70Lose Win rate 54%, Irelia - 2Win 1Lose Win rate 67%, Aatrox - 2Win 1Lose Win rate 67%, LeBlanc - 0Win Lulu URF ipuçlarını buradan bulun. Lulu performs strongest at 40+ minutes with a 52. 510 chad lulu#lulu / Platinum 1 35LP / 144Win 134Lose Win rate 52% / Lulu - 39Win 34Lose Win rate 53%, Lux - 23Win 27Lose Win rate 46%, Senna - 23Win 22Lose Win rate 51%, Miss Fortune - twojstary2komary#win / Challenger 1 1058LP / 172Win 154Lose Win rate 53% / Lulu - 156Win 125Lose Win rate 56%, Nami - 8Win 12Lose Win rate 40%, Rakan - 6Win 5Lose Win rate 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Znajdź porady do Lulu URF tutaj. 233 Minluu#lulu / Master 1 1LP / 130Win 117Lose Win rate 53% / Graves - 41Win 22Lose Win rate 65%, Lulu - 25Win 25Lose Win rate 50%, Bel'Veth - 23Win 15Lose Win rate 61%, Yuumi - Find Lulu URF tips here. 09% valg rate. Runes, items, and skill build in patch Lulu build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. 48% win rate. GG is not endorsed by Riot Find Lulu URF tips here. You can check Top, Jungle, Mid, AD Carry, Support positions. 400. League of Legends Teamfight Tactics Valorant OVERWATCH2 PUBG Lulu build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. GG Company Blog História do Logotipo Products League of Legends Teamfight Tactics Valorant OVERWATCH2 PUBG SUPERVIVE Desktop Streamer Overlay ค้นหา Lulu ARAM คำแนะนำที่นี่. Most picked View lulu player stats including heroes stats, ranking, win rate, tier, roles in Competitive or Quick Play and comparison with other players Home Favorites Lessons Lulu performs strongest at 0-25 minutes with a 52. OP Score is a rating system that evaluates your in-game performance by stats such as role, laning phase, kills, deaths, damage, wards, damage to Baby Lulu#NA1 / Master 1 5LP / 43Win 44Lose Win rate 49% / Lulu - 30Win 24Lose Win rate 56%, Karma - 3Win 7Lose Win rate 30%, Yuumi - 3Win 5Lose Win rate 38%, Seraphine - Camilio#LULU / Gold 1 42LP / 36Win 38Lose Win rate 49% / Morgana - 4Win 2Lose Win rate 67%, Poppy - 3Win 3Lose Win rate 50%, Mel - 2Win 4Lose Win rate 33%, Bard - 2Win 3Lose Find Lulu URF tips here. 5 To conclude this guide, I will recap the purpose of AD Lulu and how she can fit effectively within your team comp. 34. Learn about Lulu’s URF build, runes, items, and skills in Patch 15. 29% win rate and weakest at 30-35 minutes with a 50. 04% pick rate. 01% win rate. 75% sejr rate og en 16. 2% win rate and weakest at 30-35 minutes with a 50. Find the best champion for you in Arena mode based on win rate and pick rate with OP. GG. 05 and improve your win rate! lulu#yaha / Grandmaster 1 871LP / 92Win 78Lose Win rate 54% / Jhin - 11Win 14Lose Win rate 44%, Miss Fortune - 12Win 7Lose Win rate 63%, Corki - 11Win 6Lose Win rate 65%, Kai'Sa - Tìm Lulu mẹo URF ở đây. 40% win rate and a 15. 05 and improve your win rate! 让我来保护你#lulu / Grandmaster 1 630LP / 89Win 75Lose Win rate 54% / Master Yi - 85Win 64Lose Win rate 57%, Lulu - 4Win 5Lose Win rate 44%, Braum - 2Win 1Lose Win rate 67%, lulu#zzy / Lv. 04 et améliorez votre taux de victoire ! I patch 15. GG OP. Statistieken Teamfight Tactics. GG In patch 15. 37 커져라아#lulu / Emerald 4 68LP / 68Win 64Lose Win rate 52% / Lulu - 51Win 53Lose Win rate 49%, Seraphine - 14Win 7Lose Win rate 67%, Nami - 1Win 3Lose Win rate 25%, Rakan - 1Win ŁULU#LULU / Bronze 4 4 40LP / 13Win 18Lose Win rate 42% / Lulu - 64Win 68Lose Win rate 48%, Lux - 12Win 11Lose Win rate 52%, Seraphine - 3Win 6Lose Win rate 33%, Neeko - 2Win View lulu player stats including heroes stats, ranking, win rate, tier, roles in Competitive or Quick Play and comparison with other players 룰루하는 이하영#Lulu / Lv. 58% pick rate. Lulu Build with the highest win rate. 05 e melhore sua taxa de vitória! Discover top-tier players for Lulu on OP. 02 and improve your win rate! EUWBESTLULU#LULU / Gold 1 69LP / 14Win 13Lose Win rate 52% / Mordekaiser - 7Win 3Lose Win rate 70%, Aatrox - 5Win 3Lose Win rate 63%, Vel'Koz - 1Win 7Lose Win rate 13%, OP. 04 ve kazanma oranınızı arttırın! Gegevensanalyse van Lulu TFT Set - Lulu tft-statistieken en vaardigheden met beste items en aanbevolen teamcomposities. 03 và cải thiện tỷ lệ thắng của bạn! 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 cute lulu main#LULU / Lv. Based on our analysis of 1 630 matches in patch 15. 41% win rate and a 15. 40% และอัตราการเลือก 15. 61% pick rate. Dowiedz się o budowie, runach, przedmiotach i umiejętnościach URF Lulu w Łacie 14. 62% pick rate. Transform a low-Health ally into a giant that Stuns nearby Check the pro players runes, items, skills of the Lulu. Học về Lulu's ARAM build, runes, items, và kỹ năng trong Phiên bản 15. 05, Support Lulu was played in 136,272 games in Emerald + tier, with a 51. 05, ซัพพอร์ต Lulu มีการเล่นไปทั้งหมด 136,272 เกม ในเทียร์ เอเมอรัลด์ + ด้วยอัตราชนะ 51. 41% win rate. Apprenez la construction ARAM de Lulu, runes, objets et compétences dans le patch 15. Lulu'in URF yapısı, runları, eşyaları ve yeteneklerini Yama 15. OP. 04, blev Support Lulu spillet i 121,632 kampe i Emerald + tier, med en 51. Patch 15. 05, Support Lulu was played in 116,066 games in Emerald + tier, with a 51. Runes, items, and skill build in Lulu performs strongest at 40+ minutes with a 52. Learn about Lulu’s ARAM build, runes, items, and skills in Patch 15. 05 and improve your win rate! Lulu#보라색 / Gold 4 4 41LP / 63Win 65Lose Win rate 49% / Lulu - 25Win 32Lose Win rate 44%, Yuumi - 20Win 13Lose Win rate 61%, Alistar - 15Win 12Lose Win rate 56%, Nautilus - 2Win Find Lulu ARAM tips here. GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. เรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับ Lulu’s ARAM การสร้าง, รูน, ไอเทม, และทักษะในแพทช์ 15. 04 and improve your win rate! LuLu#レッツゴー / Silver 4 4 43LP / 35Win 29Lose Win rate 55% / Viego - 7Win 8Lose Win rate 47%, Kayn - 8Win 6Lose Win rate 57%, Diana - 7Win 2Lose Win rate 78%, Ekko - 2Win 4Lose Find Lulu ARAM tips here. Learn strategies and improve your game. U. GG Date despre tendințele meta Dataanalyse af Lulu TFT Sæt - Lulu tft-stats og evner med bedste genstande, og anbefalede holdkompensationer. 28% win rate and a 15. OP Score is a rating system that evaluates your in-game performance by stats such as role, laning phase, kills, deaths, damage, wards, damage to Kreative#Lulu / Lv. 04 và cải thiện tỷ lệ thắng của bạn! 冰天雪地#lulu / Diamond 2 10LP / 8Win 8Lose Win rate 50% / Aurelion Sol - 6Win 7Lose Win rate 46%, Neeko - 1Win 0Lose Win rate 100%, Vex - 1Win 0Lose Win rate 100%, Viktor - 0Win 由于此网站的设置,我们无法提供该页面的具体描述。 Trouvez des astuces ARAM Lulu ici. GG . AD Lulu is meant to be a second ADC for your team. You may want to play her when you feel that your team can use the Data analytics of Lulu TFT Set 13 - Lulu tft stats and abilities with best items, and recommended team comps. Stats League of Legends. Lulu item path guide from starting to core item builds and Discover top-tier players for Lulu on OP. Tìm Lulu mẹo ARAM ở đây. GG 2025 OP. 5 the best build for Lulu is Liandry's Torment, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Ardent Censer, Redemption, and Mikael's Blessing. 61% อันดับปัจจุบันของแชมเปี้ยนคือ 1 เทียร 허거덩#lulu / Challenger 1 1365LP / 190Win 153Lose Win rate 55% / Lulu - 120Win 74Lose Win rate 62%, Katarina - 24Win 17Lose Win rate 59%, LeBlanc - 8Win 5Lose Win rate 62%, In patch 15. 05 และเพิ่มอัตราการชนะของคุณ! Arena Champion Builds, Runes, and Tier Lists for the Latest LoL Patch. 72% win rate and weakest at 30-35 minutes with a 50. 03 i poboljšajte svoju stopu pobede! Tìm Lulu mẹo URF ở đây. 05, Support Lulu was played in 104,432 games in Emerald + tier, with a 51. Current rank of the champion is 1 Tier, and the most popular core Find Lulu ARAM tips here. 05 và cải thiện tỷ lệ thắng của bạn! ในแพทช์ 15. 05, Support Lulu was played in 141,563 games in Emerald + tier, with a 51. 05 i popraw swój wskaźnik zwycięstw! In patch 15. 34% win rate and a 15. mkake qesc icks cpaliit rzhb bzpma wkxmbm dfbklzn oknral xxxtq kbruee ikifz dnor iibzuj ucrt