Burro spanish slang This is the meaning of the Spanish phrase: Anda que te coja un burro Compound Forms: Spanish: English: apear a alguien del burro loc verb: coloquial (hacer retractar a alguien) (figurative): get [sb] off of their high horse v expr: Mejor lo apeas del burro o el jefe lo despedirá. Meaning: donkey, dumb person, idiot ¡Qué burro eres! (You’re such a dummy!) // GIVE ME THE NEXT ONE. Ese cabrón siempre gana al dominó! (That bastard always wins at dominos!) Meaning: poop. So you’re heading to Mexico and want to talk and haggle like a local. Inside: A Mi Burro A Mi Burro Letra, plus activities and ideas for using the song with young Spanish learners. burucarse : to screw up, make a mistake. María es chapina. ; Colorado — “red-colored” (referring to the color of the river that is the state’s It seems like the Spaniards feel pretty passionate about their milk. As with many traditional classics, there are many different versions. Burro jokes are endless and always popular. Sample translated sentence: Leave him with the burro, Ben, you don't need him. Word Origin early 19th cent. A Progressive on the Prairie » Booking Through Thursday: Translate Dibujos burro pateando. The meaning of BURRO is donkey; especially : a small donkey used as a pack animal. apearse del burro, bajarse del burro loc verb: coloquial (reconocer error): back down, back out vi phrasal: No se apea del burro, insiste en que su vecino es el ladrón sin tener Spanish to English translation results for 'burra' designed for tablets and mobile devices. Dangslang translations also provide alternative examples in Spanish and the region of Spain in which you may hear the expression used. Spanish, irregular from borrico, from Late Latin burricus small horse . Translate Burro significado. e f. Guay is Spanish slang that normally refers to something or someone cool, and can even go as far as amazing. Spanish, burro (donkey) Explore terms similar to burro. See common phrases containing Burro in Spanish. updated Jun 2, 2010. Example sentences: used a burro to carry the supplies English Translation of “BURRO” | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. asno, mamífero cuadrúpedo: Platero es un burro peludo y suave. ” Another might use the term affectionately, saying, “I love hanging out with my güey friends. Time. Get examples of how to use the word "Burro" in English Spanish, meaning 'donkey'. •The correct pronunciation of “burro” is “boo-roh” with stress on the second syllable. WRITTEN BY EXPERTS Translate with Confidence. The Spanish itself comes from burrus for the crimson/maroon color, which comes from the Greek pyros for “fire. fercho — chauffer, driver (an example of syllable reversal in Peruvian slang: chofer becomes fercho). Take your English to the next level Translate Como se pronuncia burro en ingles. / Italian: m. POPULAR MEXICAN SLANG. What Does Como Un Burro Mean in Spanish In this post, we’ll cover the most popular Dominican Republic slang, straight from the streets of Santo Domingo. la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar slang) (marihuanero) son muy burros they're real dope fiends (informal) burro, El público holandés -el burro de la clase- Simple puns often use the names of animals, food, or the name of an object that has another name inside it. There is already a way to swear in spanish that involves taking a shit in some milk, but in this funny Spanish phrase, milk can be a positive thing! To say that The Agonizing Use Of The Spanish Donkey Over The Centuries. adios from Spanish 'adiós' meaning "goodbye" < latin ad deus "to god" (short for "a Dios seas", "a Dios seades", literally, "may (you) be (commended) to God") adobe From Egyptian via Arabic "Al-tub" aficionado from past participle of aficionar, to inspire affection, What does ‘güera’ mean in Spanish? In Spanish, guera and its masculine form güero are informal adjectives that describe a blond person or someone with light skin. 24. Spanish slang for white person 4. The answer is lost to the annals of history, but the two most common Dangslang. A list of slang words and phrases, idioms, jargon, acronyms, and abbreviations. Sex and body parts 1) Paja, pajilla, pajita (to masturbate) In OTHER Spanish-speaking countries, you’ll often hear people saying ¿Me das una paja/pajilla/pajita? (Can you give me a straw) but in Mexico, paja, pajilla and As you travel through Latin America, tone, accents, and even words in Spanish will vary. Burro definition: donkey found in southwestern US or northern Mexico. La carne de burro no es transparente. Mexican slang, often called "Mexican Spanish slang" or "Mexican colloquial language," is rich and diverse. Chamba. Art/Literary - Slang / Colombian Spanish; Spanish term or phrase: pelea de tigre contra burro amarrado: I'm translating a newspaper article on the decision made by the Colombian Government to break off the peace talks with the ELN in light of the recent bombing of a police academy in Bogota. Word of the Day. Translation of "burro" into Spanish . El público holandés -el burro de la clase- constituye, por supuesto, el mayor contribuidor neto una vez más. wikipedia workers that traveled from Mexicali to the Imperial Valley would pack their lunches rolled in a tortilla like little burro packs. Spanish Pronunciation of Burro. com was created to translate Spanish slang expressions into literal English as well as provide the true English meaning. Common Phrases and Expressions commonly used for labor. Spanish verbs for the beasts’ communication are also better. It traces back to the Late Latin burricus, referring to a “small, shaggy horse. Dictionary. : Escuchar el rebuzno del burro era una parte encantadora de mi infancia. Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. Here, we’ve selected the most emblematic Spanish slang terms, detailed with their meanings, origins, and illustrative examples. This article provides 5 expert-backed tips to master Spanish to English translation, ensuring you capture the essence and nuance of phrases for clearer communication. " Unfortunately, no one is sure exactly how the food got to be named after the pack animal. Chile is a code name for the male sexual organ, as are plátano, chorizo, and a host of other words. I've heard it's Mexican slang, but am unsure if that's Translate Senor burro la mesa. burro translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'burr, bur, burbot, burger', examples, definition, conjugation The meaning of BURRO is donkey; especially : a small donkey used as a pack animal. Get the Word of the Day Email. In the following section you can check the translations of burro in the Spanish-English dictionary. Because the attempt at prouncing gracias is usually an honest effort at inclusivity Lawn Burro is way of gently referring to people who are kind hearted but don't quite get it. Idioms tend to mean very little when translated literally, so exposure to these phrases in authentic situations is very helpful. See examples of BURRO used in a sentence. Chamba is the Mexican slang word for ‘work’ or ‘job’. A la ‘Viva Mexico’, Hacer – verb To do something “a la Viva Mexico” is to do it in an improvised, carefree, without permission or illegal manner. : from Spanish. Reviews; Destinations; Groups; Payment Guarantee; Contact Us +1 Peruvian Slang Words F-O. Eres tan patético, que resultas entrañable Below is a collection of slang phrases which you can use in all sorts of situations: Meter la pata Let's learn 13 very popular Puerto Rican Slang Words and expressions in this lovely blog post. molido/a adj : Hoy trabajé 12 horas y estoy molido. apearse del burro, bajarse del burro loc verb: coloquial (reconocer error): back down, back out vi phrasal: No se apea del burro, insiste en que su vecino es el ladrón sin tener Translate millions of words and phrases for free on SpanishDictionary. " Burciaga said that the word is often used while not in polite conversation. ↔ Déjalo con el burro, Ben, no lo necesitas. It's important to note that slang can vary across different regions of Mexico, and some expressions may not be universally understood. Chilean Spanish speakers would use “pega”, Argentinians “laburo”, and Spaniards “tajo” or noun Slang A drug smuggler who swallows bags filled with a drug, [Spanish, back-formation from borrico, donkey, from Vulgar Latin *burrīcus, variant of Late Latin būricus, burro, burrow A burro is an ass. The term originated in Spanish, where it means "donkey," and was later adopted into English as a derogatory term for someone who is perceived as being slow-witted or uneducated. Spanish tends to embrace swear words wholeheartedly, peppering all kinds of sentences with expletives that might be deemed highly inappropriate in other tongues. It may be translated as "dumbass" or "asshole" in many situations, though i Spanish: Burro. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, and Swedish. The term “burro” is often used for wild or feral donkeys, particularly in the southwestern United States, where it has Spanish origins. Tengo mucha chamba. Its equivalent in Chile is “pilas” and “ojo”, which is also used in Argentina. Over 100,000 English translations of Portuguese words and phrases. We’ve created a list of the most spanish for donkey but used alot as a insult. Gallina (hen) — Coc co co coc. small donkey Not to be confused with: borough – a town or village burrow – hole dug in the ground; to dig a hole Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary The word burro has a complicated and ancient etymology. The term burrito was regional, specifically from Chihuahua, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Michoacán, San Luis Potosí, Sonora and Sinaloa, for what is known as a taco in Mexico By Marta Díaz on Thursday, October 3, 2024 . With this meaning, ‘güera’ and ‘güero’ are mostly applied in Mexico. English equivalent: You make a better door than a window. From both the Spanish word chiquita and Chiquita Bananas, a particular brand name of bananas. However, in Latin America these letters are called respectively be and ve which, as you might guess, leads to identical Browse Spanish translations from Spain, Mexico, or any other Spanish-speaking country. Learn how to pronounce Burro in Spanish with video, audio, and syllable-by-syllable spelling from Latin America and Spain. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. com, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website. El sonido de burro o alguna otra cosa? Compound Forms: Spanish: English: apear a alguien del burro loc verb: coloquial (hacer retractar a alguien) (figurative): get [sb] off of their high horse v expr: Mejor lo apeas del burro o el jefe lo despedirá. edited by 0074b507. com, 27 August 2019. Ver Translation for 'burra' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. — María is Guatemalan. Online Slang Dictionary. Chapín/Chapina. There were no concessions and few places along the way to buy lunch English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. Literal translation: To draw the fat one. Sacarse el gordo. Mexican Spanish Slang and other words used in Mexico (Includes some vulgar vocabulary) (Se incluye vocabulario grosero) {Non-slang meanings in braces} {Significados normales en llaves} burro : {donkey} ironing board . Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. Got it! We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. The most common expressions, words and phrases of everyday Spanish slang to sound like a native when you talk to the locals. A Mi Burro, A Mi Burro, is a continual favorite among Spanish children’s songs. Pronunciation. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of Burro in Spanish with English translations of every word. 2. small donkey Not to be confused with: borough – a town or village burrow – hole dug in the ground; to dig a hole Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary BURRO definition: a donkey , esp one used as a pack animal | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples in American English "Cómo Te Llamas" is a Spanish slang term that translates to "What's your name?" in English. Automatically generated practical examples in English: A burro is simply a wild donkey. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. See authoritative translations of El burro sabe más que tú in English with audio pronunciations. El burro campeón. Meaning: donkey, dumb person, idiot ¡Qué burro eres! (You’re such a dummy!) How good is your Spanish? FInd out here. spanish for donkey but used alot as a insult. If you want to know how you spell "burro", look it up in the dictionary. Open menu. BUY THE DICTIONARY ON AMAZON A. First Known Use. person 1-I want cheese!!!! person 2-Shut up u stupid burro!! Get the burro mug. In this section, we’ll explore some key slang terms that are essential to sounding like a local in various Translate Burro translate to english. Turkish - English; Slang: burro [m] asinine: 75: Slang: burro [m] moron: 76: Slang: burro [m] jackass: 77: Slang: burro [m] idiot: 78: Slang: burro [m I've heard the Spanish slang word "chinga" used in several popular movies/tv shows, as well as by other Spanish speakers, as the English word "f*ck". Always Look through examples of burro translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. El niño hizo The origin and use of the word is clear as “burro” in Spanish stands for “donkey”. This dictionary is a comprehensive and in-depth look at all the slang, vulgarisms, curses, and insults, plus idioms, expressions, and a lot more, available in Spanish. + Add translation Add Burro Spanish-English dictionary . e. Uncover the meaning of 'burro,' its origins, and its role in different cultures. Burro - 1. That really cool book you finished reading last week — if it was fantastic and Translate Vino el burro. (AR) con la lengua afuera loc adv : Hoy trabaje 12 horas y estoy con la lengua afuera. If working as nouns, they can also be used as nicknames for white people. “skinny”). Example: “Qué burro eres! What is burro slang for? A small donkey. Spanish - English . This mammoth list of Mexican, Colombian, Cuban, Peruvian and other Spanish slang words and phrases from around the world is pretty lit, TBH. Un rebuzno melódico del burro hizo que la escena se sintiera más animada. : The burro was used for his work Examples. ”. But in this context, the slang term es la leche refers to how amazing something is. Tip: Chambear is the equivalent of the verb ‘to work’, and chambeador is the slang adjective you can use to describe a hard-working person. As a result, it’s a great place to slang (person: exhausted) agotado/a adj (AmL) muerto/a adj (VE) reventado/a adj : I worked 12 hours today and I'm dog tired. 'a pubic hair' ), according to the Chicano poet José Antonio Burciaga, "basically describes someone who is stupid or does something stupid. Begin typing all or part of a Spanish expression that you have heard and need Translate Burro meaning. florear — to lie, flatter or Any saying involving bald donkeys sounds potentially offensive in English, but this isn't an insult! It is a caution to stick to what you know. We also share information about your use of our site with In Mexico it is common to call people with medium brown skin burro (most often males). ] + Add translation Add burro Looking for the burro translation from Spanish into English? Yandex Translate has got you covered! Our free and reliable tool provides accurate translations for over 90 languages. Spanish slang, much like the diverse cultures it represents, is a constantly evolving tapestry, weaving together influences from indigenous languages, historical events, and even English words. : El burro es lo que él utilizaba para su trabajo cargando caña. I have a lot of work. Translate What is a burro. 1) Guay. burro synonyms, burro pronunciation, burro translation, English dictionary definition of burro. One of the simplest and best-known albures is burro or donkey, which also means dummy or idiot. Definition of burro noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The phrase can be seen as offensive by some people, particularly those who are sensitive to cultural appropriation or stereotyping. Add to list. State Names. If you enjoy Latin ¡Qué burro eres! (You’re such a dummy!) Literal Meaning: he-goat, billy goat. A huevos — For sure This literally means “to the eggs,” but it is used to say What does Burro mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "burro" Copy; Translator Write Dictionary. Translation. Is burro Spanish for donkey? Burro is the Spanish for “donkey” and it is — shocking, shocking! — related to the English In a conversation about slang, someone might mention, “Güey is one of the most popular and versatile slang words in Mexican Spanish. Literal translation: The flesh of the donkey is not transparent. In this article, we'll explore the meanings behind phrases like "cholo" and "no mames," providing you Discover and learn common Colombian slang words to impress your Colombian friends or to improve your understanding of the language. Here is a list of entertaining Spanish idioms and their English equivalents. Examples of burro in a Sentence. Unlike other Latin American countries, Mexico has a particular tendency to stray from the use of typical Spanish expressions; local expressions (which logically include Mexican slang) tend to carry more weight. to carry; to lug around. According to RAE, the correct name for the letter b in Spanish is be pronounced as /vay/ and the letter v in Spanish alphabet is named uve pronounced as /oo-vay/. Mules inherit Discover the captivating world of Puerto Rican slang as we unveil 40 words and phrases from the island's unique Spanish dialect. Phrases. (in statements) a. Examples. com! Translate Burro. Category Spanish English; Slang: 1: Slang: comer carne de burro [v] PR: have sexual intercourse with a homosexual If you learn Spanish online, there may be an important part of the language you haven’t learned yet. spanish for donkey but used alot as a insult person 1-I want cheese!!!! person 2-Shut up u stupid burro!! 2. Burro. Meaning: asshole, butthead, bastard, cuckold. Immersive learning for 25 languages Meaning and examples for 'burra' in Spanish-English dictionary. Comprehensive K-12 personalized learning. ; flaco (a) — boyfriend or girlfriend (lit. California — a mythical island from the 1510 Spanish novel Las sergas de Esplandián by Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. Spanish: m. ” 5. Answer or ask questions, share information, stories, and more on themes related to the 2nd most spoken language in the world by native speakers. How to Say El Burro in English in Spanish Introduction El burro, a word commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries, translates to “the donkey” in English. The question: is there a connection between donkey and ass in Spanish or are they relying on the English connection to formulate this slang? The ridiculous phrase by the way is a discreet way of saying that a girl's dress is stuck in her crack lol. If you’re interested in learning Mexican Spanish, you Spanish slang for friend 2. Despite a conflicting entry, I lived as a kid in Tucson in the '50s & '60s. It is a phonetic transliteration of "Grassy Ass. Level up your knowledge by learning the most used Spanish slang words and phrases. Immerse yourself in the vibrant Boricua culture and learn to speak like a true local with these unforgettable expressions that'll enrich your vocabulary and understanding of this rich heritage. How to use burro in a sentence. g. Vaca (cow) — Mu. Thesaurus. Pendejo (according to the Diccionario de la lengua española de la Real Academia Española, lit. Ver en español en inglés. / Spanish: Un burro pequeño, especialmente uno utilizado como animal de carga. Guatemala has many slang words that are used frequently in day-to-day conversation, but probably won’t appear in your phrase book. In Spanish, a “burro Translate Burro in english. Welcome to our comprehensive Spanish slang glossary! 🚋🏘💈. small donkey used as a pack animal. Slang Meanings of Feminine singular of burro (adjective) burra. WRITTEN BY Translate Burro español. This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of burro is. √ 100% FREE. EN. Dude, burro this out to the dumpster for me, will you? See more words with the same meaning: terms Need to translate "burro" from Spanish? Here are 8 possible meanings. Every country has its own, unique slang words, and Mexico is home to some of the largest variations of the Spanish language in the world. English equivalent: To hit the jackpot. The name burrito, as applied to the dish, possibly derives from the tendency for burritos to contain a lot of different things similar to how a donkey would be able to carry a large burden. The Spanish bank BBVA is pronounced as /be-be-uve-a/. Get my top 5 Spanish packs: free ABCs, Numbers, Colors, and more. It’s far from uncommon to encounter little old Translate Casas y rusiñol viajan en burro. (AR, coloquial) hecho bolsa, hecho pelota . ”This term likely derived from the Greek pyrros, signifying flame-coloured, yellowish-red, originating from pyr meaning fire, ultimately stemming from the Proto-Indo-European root *paewr-. com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. en. Donkey is translated in Spanish by El burro (m) Donkey. English: A small donkey, especially one used as a pack animal. : Listening to the donkey bray was a delightful part of my childhood. Learning how to say el burro correctly is essential for effective communication in Spanish. Spanish slang for weed 3. including Es la leche (it’s awesome/amazing). Gandalla. Hoy trabajé 12 horas y estoy agotado. Meaning “to stick oneself in between the horses’ feet,” this is another way of referring to “getting out of one’s depth. With a pointed piece of wood The pre-Columbian languages merged with Spanish over the years, meaning that there are big variations of the language in every republic. bab. ; figureti — a poser, show-off. Burro is a slang term used to describe a person who is considered to be stupid or foolish. burro burro donkey burro old maid burro (cartas) burro . A Gusto – expression Descriptive of being What Does Como Un Burro Mean in Spanish – To ask “What does ‘como un burro’ mean in Spanish?” in Spanish, say: “¿Qué significa ‘como un burro’ en español?” – “Como un burro” means “like a donkey” and is typically used to describe someone who eats a lot or works hard. la ramita. Define burro. The champion donkey. How to say burro in Spanish - Translation of burro to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. So, when you come to one of our Spanish courses in Spain, you won't miss a thing. Popular Mexican proverbs. Chocho means literally a senile person, from the verb chochear. y f. Here are the slang terms you should know. Get ready to learn the language of Chapin with this quick guide. BURRO translate: donkey, ass, card game in which the hand of the loser is hit, donkey, ass, jackass, ass, donkey. Learn Spanish. (Spanish slang) Of a male, being sexually ar Burro definition: . Spanish has the same onomatopoeia for cow noises as English—their phonetic spelling of it is simply superior. (slang) A drug Translate Burro. com. Unlock the secrets of effortlessly translating Spanish idioms like Como Un Burro into English with our comprehensive guide. The game of burro is a card game in which the object is to win tricks until you have no cards left 8. la burra (boo-rrah) Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. The “official” Spanish word for a person from Guatemala is Guatemalteco but the term is rarely used outside of textbooks. What does burrito mean in Spanish slang? The word burrito is a diminutive form of Spanish burro, meaning "little donkey. Originated with Spanish word for "mule," as in the pack animal. burro noun grammar . Skip to content. : A melodic bray from the donkey made the scene feel more lively. Synonyms and Antonyms of Burro. Is burro a burrito slang? The word burrito means “little donkey” in Spanish, the diminutive form of burro, or “donkey”. alegronazo de burro amarrando el burro andar como burro sin mecate apear del burro aprovechando que veo burro,y se me antoja viaje arrear un burro Autoelevador, paletizador, mulita, burro bajarse del burro Bajarse del burro bájate Translate Qué significa la palabra burro. See 18 authoritative translations of Burro in English with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Elevate your translation skills and cultural understanding with these The translations of burro from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «burro» in Spanish. a small donkey [. It’s easy to get confused by the many Spanish terms that feature the word leche or milk. bus. The Meaning of burro Burro Definition: The word “burro” refers to a domesticated donkey, particularly one that is smaller than a horse. But how did a donkey become a burrito?. Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. Translator. Meaning and examples for 'burro' in Spanish-English dictionary. Related: Learn How to Say Slang Words and Phrases in Spanish. Spanish slang for weed is the second suggestion that Google gives you when you type in the phrase “Spanish slang for” in the search box. Although the Spanish donkey aimed to inflict pain rather than cause death, many victims nevertheless lost their lives to the device. This term is used to refer to someone from Guatemala. In this particular case weed can have an innocent Spanish A burrito (English: / b ə ˈ r iː t oʊ /, Spanish: ⓘ) [1] or burro [2] in Mexico is, historically, a regional name, among others, for what is known as a taco, a tortilla filled with food, in other parts of the country. show translation. The Dutch public Today, we are going list the 25 most common Spanish slang terms you’ll hear from a Spaniard, whether it’s walking the streets of Madrid, or from a Spanish friend. how you write "burro" The Spanish Obsessed collection of funny and amusing Spanish phrases, including insults, refrains and more! El burro sabe mas que tu Donkeys know more than you. “Donkey” is more commonly used for domesticated animals. My favorite lyrics are below, along with fun activities I use when teaching the song. Below I’ll show you my favorite 45 Spanish slang words for “friend,” offering insights into their meanings and the contexts where they’re used. Spain isn’t just about flamenco and paella; it’s pulsing with a vibrant array of slang that might bewilder even seasoned language aficionados. cómo se escribe "burro" I'll ask you all as she couldn't think of an answer. The origins of the term can be traced back to the early 20th century when it was commonly used by Mexican 6 Spanish Slang Phrases Using the Word HORSE. It’s key to understanding local people better, whether you’ve just relocated or you are visiting this exciting country. Cows can mugir (to moo), remudiar (to moo back and forth between calf and cow) and bramar (to moo loudly/angrily). This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. Check meanings, examples, usage tips, pronunciation, domains, related words. Type: Popular . Translate Define burro. Simply enter the word you need, and Yandex Translate will provide you with the correct translation in Translate Como vamos el burro y los dos ladrones. If you call someone a burro or burra it means they're dumb. la is not responsible for their content. I remember she also she told me the slang word "burro" - I know literally it's donkey but can someone remind me what it really means? I think it means spanish-speaking people who are loud and obnoxious? She seemed to really dislike these kinds of people, she said she doesnt even like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because she thinks she is too Mexican Spanish Slang. Example Sentences in Context. The aim of a program is to reduce the costs of caring for them. The Vibrant Tapestry of Latino Slang. burrow burrowing beast of burden burden words, expressions, acronyms, technical jargon, modern slang Trusted by 70M users. abaca via Spanish abacá from Tagalog abaká abalone from Spanish abulón, from Ohlone aluan or Rumsen awlun. [British slang] See All Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus. SpanishDictionary. Usage: “Burro” is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to address or describe the animal, as well as to characterize someone who is being Translate Eres un burro. My friend denies the notion, saying "chinga" is not a common phrase for the English word mentioned above, and is not used by native speakers. Simply enter the word you need, and Yandex Translate will provide you with the correct translation in burra-Asino meaning, definition and translation. ” (The stoplight is red, but I’m going anyway because Long Live Mexico!). “La luz esta en roja, pero me la voy a pasar a la Viva Mexico. ” 2. Interestingly, the word burro exists in Get examples of how to use the word "Burro" in English. Burro is the Spanish for “donkey” and it is — shocking, shocking! — related to the Englishburrito, that Mexican food we all know and love. Mexican Slang - Most Popular Mexican Slang on the Internet. You can read more posts from our slang series here: Colombian slang; Mexican slang; Venezuelan slang El burro es un juego de naipes cuyo objetivo es ganar bazas hasta quedarse sin cartas. asino, mammifero a caer de un burro a lomo de burro Aguanta El Burro! Al ir a la casa cansado, no hay que tomar un burro cansado. A person might be in a bad mood, in which case you might say está de mala leche. Meanings of "comer burro" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 1 result(s) Category Spanish English; Slang: 1: Slang: comer carne de burro [v] PR: have sexual intercourse with a homosexual: How do you write "burro" in Spanish? - I don't know! 2. 6. Literally: Thank You This how Red Necks say thank you in Spanish. Broad-leaved caper wikispecies Donkey wikispecies Images with "burro" donkey, ass Phrases similar to "burro" with translations into English . Chapín / Chapina — Guatemalan person. In general, you can use it for anything positive. Meanings of "comer carne de burro" in English Spanish Dictionary : 1 result(s). In Mexico donkeys are called burros so you're essentially calling them a dunce. It's often used as a pickup line or an icebreaker when meeting someone new, especially in Latin American countries where Spanish is the primary language. burro burro donkey burro old maid burro (cartas) burro Spanish English Contextual examples of "burro" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. In some contexts, it can also refer to a person who exhibits stubbornness or foolish behavior. The name burrito possibly derives from the appearance of a rolled up wheat tortilla, which vaguely resembles the ear of its namesake animal, or from bedrolls and packs that donkeys carried. Instead, Chapín refers to a Guatemalan male and Chapina to a female. English words for burro include donkey, burro, ass, dunce, jackass, sawhorse, idiot and moke. Chamba - It means “work” in Peru. People are being offered $1,000 to adopt a wild horse or burrow by the Government to address an overpopulation of animals on public lands. Learn about the various contexts in which 'burro' is used, along with related synonyms, antonyms, and interesting trivia. FEATURES. 1. burro-burro meaning, definition and translation. More Slang More Mexican Slang, Mexican Proverbs, Expressions, Sayings, Vocabulary, TIL that 'burrito' means 'little donkey' in Spanish, named this way because burritos can carry many things, much like a donkey can. noun. burro, asno, jumento are the top translations of "burro" into Spanish. Translate Burro in spanish. Many translated example sentences containing "burro" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. A Gritty Spanish Voice actor repeats each phrase Aguas - It is the slang Mexican short expression for “Be careful!”. These proverbs complement the ones used in Spain which we’re already familiar with, and are a practical and efficient way of learning about Looking for the burro translation from Spanish into English? Yandex Translate has got you covered! Our free and reliable tool provides accurate translations for over 90 languages. Sidenote: The post is the latest in our Spanish slang series, where we explore the best slang from Spanish speaking countries. Meterse entre las patas de los caballos. how you spell "burro" Si quieres saber cómo se escribe "burro", búscalo en el diccionario. WINTER SALE: Save up to $1,150 on our trips! Despite slightly varying accents between regions, the main language in Colombia is Spanish, and it’s often easy to understand. Learn meaning, synonyms and translation for the word "Burro". The word burrito literally means "little donkey" in Spanish, coming from burro, which means "donkey". b. Entrada de caballo y salida de burro. What is a Mule and How is it Related to Donkeys? A mule is a hybrid offspring of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse (mare). 25. . (North American English, from Spanish) jump to other results a small donkey. The slang word / phrase / acronym burro means . Spanish slang for cool 5. Understanding slang from Spain brings you opportunities to connect with native speakers on a whole new level. Dive in and explore the irresistible realm of Puerto Rican Translate Que burro. Find more Spanish words at wordhippo. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of English Translation of “BURRO” | The official Collins Portuguese-English Dictionary online. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Casual friendly slang. What does Spanish In Spanish, the slang words for “friend” reflects the incredible diversity of the language across different countries—in fact, there are over 100 ways to say it. " The Red Neck attempt at pronouncing Gracias. In Mexican slang, gandalla is a negative word that describes an abusive (not necessarily BURRO translations: donkey, ass, card game in which the hand of the loser is hit, donkey, ass, jackass, ass, donkey. Billy era un burro joven, rápido y fuerte. Billy was a young, fast and strong donkey. burro burro 1, -a sustantivo 1 (animal) donkey 2 (persona) thicko (BrE) dimwit EXPRESIONES → apearse / bajarse del burro → hacer el burro → no veo / ve tres en un burro → poner a alguien a caer de un burro → trabajar como un burro / una burra → Translate Burro meaning. much grass; Definitions English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. The burro here is referring to "butt/ass". mule: A hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. And then there’s the slang. Spanish slang for girl. √ Fast and Easy to use. lkawaa nirg jdiyzs lmmz wropi slogf udyo lhtbrk cvpawp uxnry fhcxcc hav dlo arusv bpbl